Zonta Club of the Coos Bay Area welcomes new members passionate about service and advocacy. We are an active club that is part of a much larger organization – Zonta International.

The club meets the 1st and 3rd Friday every month from 12 to 1 PM  at the Coos Bay Fire Station Meeting Room. For more information email us at [email protected].

Together, we empower women in our local communities and around the world!

Zontians supporting Bay Area Hospital's Inaugural Pink Ribbon 5K

Our Leadership Team

2024 -2025 Club President Shirley MacAdam

Zonta Club of the Coos Bay Area Coos Bay Area Foundation Board 2024-2025

Two of our club members have served as Zonta International District 8 Governors

Paula Bechtold 1992-1994
Zonta Coos Bay Area Past DI
Genelle Henken 2014-2016